Student Life
We strive to help students live a balanced life, where learning complements life outside of the classroom.
Living a Well-Rounded Life
Student life at Bluefield University includes everything from challenging and rigorous classes to meaningful explorations of faith through service, worship, and reflection. The Office of Student Development guides a full spectrum of programs and services designed to help students grow during their university experience.
Live a Christ-Centered Life
Bluefield University is a Christian University steeped in the Baptist tradition of faith. We live our faith daily through our interactions with one another. Students are expected to attend chapel services, and they can participate in an array of ministry-focused programs. Mission trips, Bible study groups, and service projects allow our students to serve others.
Live a Healthy Life
The Center for Counseling & Wellness provides a professional and confidential setting for students seeking psychological, emotional, and developmental support. Center staff help students explore avenues for personal growth. The services offered for individual and group counseling are free to currently enrolled undergraduate on-campus and online students. Daily wellness activities help students learn effective self-care tools and techniques as they take part in yoga, financial wellness seminars, or book clubs. The center staff takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, offering sessions that include Adulting 101, Managing Stress & Anxiety, and Improving Study Skills & Habits. Referral services to area mental health providers can be made when a student’s needs exceed the professional counseling services offered on campus.
Anyone interested in scheduling a counseling session or wanting more information about what the center offers should email Emily Cook.