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Federal Work-Study

Join Our Federal Work-Study Program and Earn While You Learn!

Hey there, Bluefield University students! Have you heard about our Federal Work-Study Program? It’s a fantastic opportunity, funded by the government, that allows you to earn money while gaining valuable work experience right here on campus. This program is part of the financial aid package and is designed to help make your college life a bit easier.

  • Earn as You Learn: You’ll get paid for the work you do, just like a regular job. The pay is hourly and follows the same guidelines as other jobs at Bluefield University.
  • Balance is Key: Your studies always come first. We make sure your work schedule doesn’t clash with your classes or study time.
  • Tailored to Your Needs: The amount you can earn depends on your financial need, which is determined by your financial package and the financial aid office.

If your financial aid award includes Federal Work-Study, it means you’re eligible to earn up to that amount through the program. It’s a great way to earn money for your expenses while you’re hitting the books!

We’re here to help you every step of the way. If you’re interested or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Financial Aid office. Let’s make your time at Bluefield University both enriching and rewarding!

We’re excited that you’re considering or have already landed a Federal Work-Study (FWS) position at Bluefield University! Before you dive into your new role, there’s just a bit of paperwork we need to take care of to set you up on our payroll system. Don’t worry, it’s a simple process, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

  1. Visit the Financial Aid Office: Once you’ve secured your FWS position after your department interview, pop into the Financial Aid Office. You’ll need to make an appointment with us – it’s a great opportunity for us to meet you and finalize your work-study details.
  2. Sign Your FWS Contract: During your appointment, we’ll get all the necessary paperwork sorted out, including your FWS contract. This is where you’ll see all the details about your work-study role.

Stay Connected

Keep an eye on your inbox! If we need to catch up with you at any point during the year, we’ll drop you an email. It’s our way of making sure everything is going smoothly with your work-study experience. We’re thrilled to have you join our work-study community. If you have any questions or just want to chat about the program, our doors (and inboxes) are always open. Here’s to a great work-study experience at Bluefield University!

At Bluefield University, we understand that balancing work and studies is key. That’s why we’ve tailored the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program to fit into your busy student life. Here’s how it works

Fall & Spring Terms:

  • During the Fall and Spring terms, you can work up to 20 hours per week, with a daily maximum of 8 hours. If you’re working 6 consecutive hours, remember to take a 30-minute, non-compensated break, which should be noted on your timesheet.

Summer Term:

  • In the Summer term, when classes are typically lighter, you have the opportunity to work up to 35 hours per week, still adhering to the 8-hour daily limit. The availability of FWS funds and authorization from the Financial Aid Office are essential for summer work assignments. Remember, you’ll be compensated only for the hours worked at your designated work-study location, as approved by the Financial Aid Office.

We’re here to help you find the perfect balance between earning and learning. If you have any questions or need help with scheduling, feel free to reach out. Let’s make your work-study experience both rewarding and flexible!

  1. Check Your Eligibility: First things first, swing by the Financial Aid Office or check your FAFSA award to determine if you qualify.
  2. Pick Your Passion: Browse through the job listings on the student job board and select roles that catch your eye and align with your interests or career goals.
  3. Ace that Interview: Once you’ve found some interesting roles, it’s time to apply and schedule interviews with the respective supervisors. Don’t forget to mention that you’re an eligible FWS student.
  4. Seal the Deal: Found your ideal work-study job? Great! Next, you’ll need to visit the Financial Aid Office to finalize your FWS contract. Your supervisor will also need to sign this contract.
  5. Get Set Up for Success: After returning your signed contract, we’ll equip you with timesheets and a work-study payroll schedule. Remember, your work can only begin after the Financial Aid Office gives you a start date. Any work done outside authorized periods won’t be covered by FWS funds.
  6. Sort Out the Essentials: Stop by the Human Resources Office to complete your tax documentation, like the W-4, state withholding, and I-9 forms.
  7. Create Your Work Schedule: Finally, connect with your FWS supervisor to establish a work schedule that fits your academic commitments.

We’re here to support you at every step of your work-study experience. If you have any questions or need guidance, our doors are always open. Let’s make your work-study journey at Bluefield University both enriching and fulfilling!

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