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Bluefield University’s Strategic Plan


Bluefield University’s strategic plan serves to remind us of our priorities as an institution. It exists to focus our efforts and resources, strengthen the mission, ensure that the campus community is working toward common goals, and establish agreement around those intended outcomes. It shapes and guides who we are, who we serve, what we do, and why we do it, with a focus on the future.

Strategic Priority No. 1

Develop a cohesive brand that can clearly be articulated and easily recognized by all stakeholders.

Performance Objectives

1.1 Create and resource a robust Department of Marketing and Public Relations.
1.2 Develop a cohesive brand identity through collaborative input from all stakeholder groups that tell the Bluefield University story.
1.3 Implement service-learning requirement/activity focused on developing Christ-centered workplace and social skills in all programs.
1.4 Develop a plan for program-centered recruiting (goals, timelines, and deliverables).
1.5 Serve as an educational hub for partners across the region to build economic, cultural, and intellectual capacity by enhancing our visibility.

Strategic Priority No. 2

Implement long-term sustainability strategies by stabilizing and creating new and predictable streams of revenue while efficiently stewarding resources.

Performance Objectives

2.1 Implement a new budget model, the Strategic Planning Budget Assessment Model, with a dashboard system to regularly monitor and communicate the new budget model analytics and outcomes.
2.2 Implement a new scholarship model that maximizes the University’s financial leveraging and provides greater control to the institution.
2.3 Establish a sophomore and junior search and nurture operation with tactics to increase inquiries.
2.4 Adequately solicit resources in the amount of $20 million at the completion of the Centennial Campaign to increase scholarships, grow the endowment, and capital funds for the science center expansion, along with student wellness and activities.
2.5 Increase enrollment by improving process such as establishing a contact center (phone, chat, and text) operation with linear progressive outreach volumes in the institution with professional staff to execute telephone strategies in support of state enrollment goals.
2.6 Acquire $2 million in grant funding by targeting initiatives for under-served students, retention, diversity, health science, stem programs, education, etc.
2.7 Develop articulation agreements and partnerships with organizations that include churches and post-secondary institutions that improves the pathways toward graduation and enhances enrollment.
2.8 Increase the number of online, undergraduate programs.
2.9 Develop at least one doctoral program (priority: DNP, EDD, DBA).

Strategic Priority No. 3

Optimize internal processes to enhance the student and faculty/staff experience.

Performance Objectives

3.1 Develop unit handbooks to assist directors and new hires during employee transitions.
3.2 Provide ongoing training/professional development opportunities for employees.
3.3 Strengthen compensation packages, balance workloads, and increase professional development activities for faculty.
3.4 Develop a working process for effective communication and customer service across all campus stakeholder groups.
3.5 Identify, prioritize, and implement unit specific technologies to improve work-flow, student experience, and going 100% paperless.
3.6 Instill accountability in all athletic operations including implementing and maintaining proper controls to ensure compliance with institutional, NAIA, and conference policies and procedures.
3.7 Enhance, explore, and implement new initiatives that are designed to recruit a talented and diverse staff including recognizing the importance of gender equity, diversity, and inclusion.
3.8 Effectively steward the student fee revenue to enhance the student experience and create enrollment and retention lift.
3.9 Select and utilize the best technologies and processes to optimize the student experience (i.e. registration, changing majors, access courses, manage programs, etc.).

Strategic Priority No. 4

Execute a comprehensive, integrated plan to promote student success, that begins before enrollment and continues after graduation, and focuses on retaining and graduating students.

Performance Objectives

4.1 Grow and develop campus-wide service organizations.
4.2 Connect employers, community partners, alumni, and donors to career centers for internships, mentorship opportunities, and job placement.
4.3 Review and update the general education program using a cross-disciplinary approach to skills development.
4.4 Develop faculty institutional support strategies that improve student engagement and progress as measured by metrics such as course outcomes, retention rates, and graduation rates.
4.5 Develop a comprehensive plan for identifying at-risk students and mobilizing care quickly and efficiently.
4.6 Establish targets for improving retention, persistence, and completion that are appropriate to the institutional type and consistent with national and peer standards.

Strategic Priority No. 5

Modernize our campus facilities and strengthen the infrastructure, tools, and technologies, that support student success in the classroom and serve employee’s needs, as well as prepare students to be competitive in the workplace.

Performance Objectives

5.1 Develop a comprehensive improvement plan to enhance campus facilities (i.e. athletic facilities, residence halls, academic facilities, etc.).
5.2 Implement a campus-wide technology ecosystem (devices, instruction support, and learning specialists) to support faculty, staff, and student success.

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