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Alumni Recognition & CAEP Performance Data

Bluefield University School of Education and Social Sciences graduates currently hold positions as teachers, building administrators, and central office personnel throughout Virginia, the surrounding states, and as far away as China.

Bluefield University teacher education graduates have been recognized as outstanding teachers of the year and have received various awards, including Teacher of the Year Awards, Ashland Oil Teaching Awards, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics, and Christa McAuliffe Fellowship Grant Awards. Bluefield University graduates have served in leadership positions, including Executive Secretary of the National Education Association, member of the Virginia State Board of Education, and as superintendents of school districts. Bluefield University School of Education and Social Sciences graduates also serve on the University’s Board of Trustees.

Graduate Schools Attended

Many graduates from the Bluefield University School of Education and Social Sciences are enrolled in or have successfully completed master’s degrees from various institutions, including Bluefield University, Virginia Tech, Radford University, University of Virginia, East Tennessee State University, Averett University, James Madison University, University of Alabama, and Concord University. Beyond that level, other students have achieved a doctoral degree from Virginia Tech and Liberty University. These students received master’s degrees in the areas of reading, guidance counseling, library science, educational psychology, curriculum and instruction, and leadership, as well as content areas.

Education performance data can include a variety of different sources.  These are just some of the ways that we evaluate the success of our alumni.


Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

This accrediting body accredits education preparation providers. Bluefield University’s current accreditation through 2030 includes initial programs in Teacher Education and advanced programs in Administration and Supervision Prek-12 and School Counseling.

Program Undergraduate
Career & Technical Education: Business Information Technology X
Elementary Education PreK-6 X
English X
Health & Physical Education PreK-12 * X
History & Social Sciences * X
Journalism Add-On X
Mathematics * X
Music Education – Instrumental PreK-12 X
Music Education – Vocal/Choral PreK-12 X
Science – Biology X
Special Education General Curriculum K-12 X
Speech Communication Add-On X

* – indicates the program is not accepting new students

Program Graduate
Administration & Supervision PreK-12 X
School Counselor PreK-12 X

CAEP Performance Data

Education performance data can include a variety of different sources.  These are just some of the ways that we evaluate the success of our alumni.

Impact on Contributing to P-12 Student-Learning Growth

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, there are no clear mechanisms for collecting and sharing data across the state education agency, EPPs, and P-12 school divisions. EPPs in Virginia, as in many other states, face difficulty capturing meaningful large-scale data for the accreditation requirements of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and program improvement.

The School of Education and Social Sciences is collecting qualitative data about its program completers’ impact on P-12 learning and development through multiple measures. These measures include observations, interviews, and artifacts collected on program completers in their first, second, and third years of teaching. This data is incorporated into a case study to address Bluefield University’s program completers’ impact on P-12 learning and development.

Case Study Analysis

Effectiveness in Applying Professional Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, there are no clear mechanisms for collecting and sharing data across the state education agency, EPPs, and P-12 school divisions. EPPs in Virginia, as in many other states, face difficulty capturing meaningful large-scale data for the accreditation requirements of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and program improvement.

The School of Education and Social Sciences is collecting qualitative data about its program completers’ teaching effectiveness through multiple measures. These measures include observations, interviews, and artifacts collected on program completers in their first, second, and third years of teaching. This data is incorporated into a case study to address Bluefield University’s program completers’ impact on P-12 learning and development.

Case Study Analysis

Satisfaction of Employers

Initial-Licensure Programs

The Employer Survey is distributed annually to principals in all schools in which graduates from the previous three years are currently teaching. The survey measures employers’ satisfaction with the preparation of School of Education and Social Sciences graduates for their assigned responsibilities in working with P-12 students. Bluefield University participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative Employer Survey for Initial Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language and concepts of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards. There are 36 Educator Preparation Programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia surveying program completers and their employers each year seeking to improve their programs and meet the requirements of the Virginia Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. By standardizing survey recruitment, timelines, and process, VEAC hopes to reduce the complexity of surveys that principals and administrators complete each year to support EPPs. By benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, EPPs can better understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, VEAC provides a common language and prompts discussion for program improvement.

Initial-Licensure Programs VEAC Survey 2017-2019 VEAC Survey 2020-2021 VEAC Survey 2021-2022 VEAC Survey 2022-2023 4-Year Average
Overall Satisfaction of Employers 5.00 (1-5 Scale) 4.15 (1-5 Scale) 3.96 (1-5 Scale) 3.43 (1-5 Scale) 4.14 (1-5 Scale)

Advanced-Level Licensure Programs

Collecting employer satisfaction of advanced licensure graduates presents challenges since completers may still be in initial licensure positions and therefore difficult for the employer to assess the skills earned in their advanced license programs.

Bluefield University also participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative Employer Survey for Advanced-Level Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language and concepts of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards. There are 36 Educator Preparation Programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia surveying program completers and their employers each year seeking to improve their programs and meet the requirements of the Virginia Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. By standardizing survey recruitment, timelines, and processes, VEAC hopes to reduce the complexity of surveys that principals and administrators complete each year to support EPPs. By benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, EPPs can better understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, VEAC provides a common language and prompts discussion for program improvement.

VEAC fielded the advanced employer survey in summer-fall 2022 to the employers of program completers of advanced programs in administration and supervision and counselor education. VEAC collected 2022-2023 initial and advanced program data in spring 2023. From this point on, initial and advanced program data collection will follow the same timeline. Administration and Supervision had its first graduates in May 2020. School counseling had its first graduates in May 2022. We received our first employer and completer satisfaction survey results for advanced programs through VEAC in fall 2023.

Advanced Level-Licensure Programs
VEAC Advanced Survey 2022-2023 (1-5 Scale)
Overall Satisfaction of Employers 3.33 (Administration and Supervision)
5.00 (School Counseling)

Competency at Completion

Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing (Certification) Requirements for the State of Virginia

Licensure Exam Results

Program completers at the School of Education and Social Sciences must take the professional teacher assessments required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Per the Regulations Governing the Review and Approval of Education Programs in Virginia, VDOE defines program completers as individuals who have successfully completed all coursework, required assessments, including those prescribed by the Board of Education, and supervised student teaching or a required internship.

100% of program completers (2019 – 2023) passed the Board of Education’s required licensure exams.

Recommended for Licensure

The Bluefield University School of Education and Social Sciences recommends program completers for licensure if they have met VDOE requirements, including coursework, professional assessments, and other requirements. 100% of program completers (2019 – 2023) were recommended for licensure upon completion of the program.

BU School of Education Completers of Initial & Advanced Preparation Programs

Initial Programs Advanced Programs
2019-2020 6 2
2020-2021 5 2
2021-2022 6 6
2022-2023 8 4

BU School of Education Pass Rates – Title II Summary Reports – Initial Preparation Programs

Academic Year Details
2019-2020 *
2020-2021 *
2021-2022 *
2022-2023 *

*Title II Summary Reports are not available for years with fewer than 10 program completers.

BU School of Education Pass Rates – Advanced Preparation Programs

Administration and Supervision
Virginia Requires the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) for licensure in Administration and Supervision PreK-12.

Academic Year # of Completers Pass Rates
2019-2020 2 100%
2020-2021 2 100%
2021-2022 2 100%
2022-2023 1 100%

School Counseling
Currently, Virginia does not require a credentialing exam for licensure in School Counseling PreK-12. Bluefield University requires students completing the counseling program to complete the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE).

Academic Year # of Completers Pass Rates
2021-2022 4 100%
2022-2023 3 100%

Ability of Completers to Be Hired in Education Positions For Which They Have Prepared

BU School of Education Job Placement Rates

Academic Year Initial-Licensure Programs Advanced-Level Licensure Programs
2019-2020 83% 50%
2020-2021 60% 0%
2021-2022 100% 83%
2022-2023 100% 50%

Most graduates who have not yet accepted a teaching position are currently enrolled in graduate programs, working as substitutes, or currently employed as coaches. Four of the seven graduates in Administration and Supervision are still serving in initial-level positions.

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