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Academic & Career Success

We seek to foster the skills, strategies, habits, and character necessary to create excellent students and transformational leaders.

Discover. Explore. Experience. Succeed.

Welcome to the Academic and Career Excellence Center. We support Bluefield University students during their enrollment and after graduation by providing a range of services related to student success and career counseling. Whether you are an underclassman searching for your purpose or passion in life or an alumni seeking a new career opportunity, we are here to support you.

Self-Discovery & Exploration

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. -Mark Twain

We help students discover their why. We want to help you discover your passion and then figure out how to craft your future and career based on your passion. There are several ways we can help.

Assessments We get it. Most of us don’t love taking tests, but assessments can provide insight into common themes, interests, and skillsets to guide you in uncovering your passion. We offer four types of assessments that serve as tools for self-discovery. Most of these assessments can be taken without charge.

Researching majors – After taking an assessment, most students focus on 1-3 majors they believe can help them tap into their passion and enjoy a fulfilling career. We encourage students to schedule an appointment with a career advisor to discuss the possibilities. You can also choose a self-directed exploration of potential careers by using the resources listed below.

To support a culture of academic success, the Academic and Career Excellence Center (ACE) provides a wide range of resources and services for online and on-campus students. We offer:

  • Academic Coaching
  • Disability services
  • Math and writing labs
  • Testing services
  • Tutoring

Supporting BU’s focus as a Christ-centered liberal arts University with strong scientific programs, the ACE staff strives to develop the whole person. For comprehensive information about all the services and resources of the ACE Center, please visit ACE on myBU.

Preparing You for Success

Academic coaches tailor their sessions to the individual student. Students can meet with ACE staff for a single appointment, short-term coaching, or weekly sessions throughout the semester, depending on their needs. We can help you develop skills in:

  • Getting organized
  • Managing time
  • Avoiding procrastination
  • Developing effective study habits
  • Making connections
  • Employing different learning styles

The techniques you learn through coaching can help you succeed at Bluefield and throughout your lifetime.

Disability Services

The ACE staff offers a full range of services for any student who has a documented disability. Please visit Disability Services on myBU to begin the process of requesting accommodations for your classes.

Testing & Tutoring Services

Bluefield University accepts the results of two testing programs for students who want to demonstrate their mastery of a subject for course credit. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers 34 exams, and DSST offers 38 exams. DSST exams, once known as DANTES, are available to anyone, including military personnel, who are interested in course credit by exam. CLEP and DSST testing sites are available across the country.

No matter which test you take, please note:

  • The fee for taking a CLEP and DSST test must be paid online at the time of registration.
    Bluefield University charges a modest fee for administering the test. This fee is collected upon arrival at the testing center and MUST be paid by credit or debit card (Mastercard, Discover, or Visa).
  • If a student fails the CLEP or DSST test, they must wait 180 days (6 months) before retaking the same exam.
  • There is no penalty for incorrect guessing when you take a computer-based test; you should answer all of the questions on the exam.
  • CLEP and DSST assume a student has previous knowledge about the subject of the test; you need to study from a current subject textbook and the materials available online.
  • A fact sheet or exam description can be downloaded by visiting each website. These descriptions break down the areas of the subject that should be studied.
  • General education and elective credits may be earned by taking these tests.
  • Bluefield University students must receive permission from the assessment counselor in the Registrar’s Office for approval to take one of these tests instead of taking a Bluefield University class.
  • You cannot receive credit for an exam after you’ve tried to take a college course in the same area.

Online & On-Campus Tutoring & Labs

Tutors are available for both on-campus and online students in many subjects. Flexible hours are available to fit your schedule. Tutoring is offered as peer-led, one-on-one support, and small group study sessions. All services are free of charge to BU students.

Math and Writing Drop-in Labs

Math and writing labs are scheduled during specific hours during the week. Students can drop by the ACE or Easley Library to receive help from student math or writing tutors. Math tutors can help with developmental math through calculus. Writing tutors can assist with writing for any class offered by the University.

Online Tutoring

We encourage online students to take advantage of Grammarly writing help, as well as SmartThinking tutoring services available on myBU. For tips and insight on how to succeed with online learning, please visit ACE on myBU.

For more information about tutoring services, please email Wayne Pelts.

Experience & Application

I was going to say do what you love, but that’s not really it. When I think about it, the happiest and most successful people I know don’t just love what they do, they’re obsessed with solving something that matters to them.”  -Drew Houston

Once you find the area you are passionate about, we can help you gain experience to be ready for employment opportunities.

Students are encouraged to make a career advising appointment for assistance in a variety of areas:

  • Discussions about internships
  • Opportunities for networking
  • Available mentorships
  • Resume and cover letter assistance
  • Help with applications for graduate school
  • Assistance in writing your curriculum vitae
  • Information on how to conduct a job search
  • Assistance with mock interviews

If you’re ready to begin the discovery process or you need a little help with applications, we invite you to contact us at the Academic and Career Excellence Center by email or phone.

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