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6 Reasons You Need To Finish Your College Degree Now

So, you started your journey to obtaining your college degree, and then all of a sudden life happened. You may have changed jobs, had to care for your family, moved, had children, or were just overwhelmed. Whatever the reason, now is a good time to finish what you started. Let’s examine some of the many positives to attaining your degree:

Increase your lifetime earning potential

Individuals with bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees make more money over their lifetimes than those who do not have degrees. Money Magazine reports, “the return on investment for a college degree is substantial – worth upwards of $800,000 or more in increased earnings over a lifetime.”

Become recession-proof by upgrading your job skills

With the right job skills, you can ensure finding a job regardless of how the economy is performing. Perhaps you have become stagnant in your current job, and you want to broaden your job opportunities, or maybe you have a dream to start your own business. Completing your degree enables you to navigate a recession with greater success. Bluefield University offers a number of degrees that are recession proof as identified by CNBC including nursing, criminal justice, early childhood education, and mental health counseling.

Remain competitive in your field

Signs indicate the job market may be shrinking making competition for jobs more intense. Harvard Business Review reported that in some sectors, the workforce is jittery about layoffs after 40,000 people recently lost their jobs in the U.S. tech sector. Perhaps, layoffs are not happening in your industry yet, but you can be more confident about your future with a degree.

Change your work situation

Working from home may be appealing to you. Forbes magazine reports that work from home is here to stay and we will likely see increases in 2023. Earning a college degree can open more opportunities for you to set your own work schedule. Your company may not offer a work-from-home option, but they are more plentiful than ever.

Gain more self-esteem and confidence

Earning a college degree can help you feel more confident. That confidence can lead to more successful job interviews and networking opportunities. Through your university, you can connect with alumni who are working in your field. Earning a degree can make you feel more self-confident in your interactions with other professionals in your work and personal life.

Switching careers may be part of your future

Have you reached the point in your career where you are considering a change to another industry or field? Approximately 53% of Americans who quit their jobs last year were changing careers according to CNBC. Have you always dreamed of starting your own business, or leaving a high-stress field for another opportunity? A degree from Bluefield University can open the door to a new career that leads to fulfilling your dreams.


With over 100 years in Christian higher education, Bluefield University serves students with degree programs that enable them to go further. With a caring faculty and supportive staff, students receive personalized one-on-one support with a personal success coach throughout their online degree program. To get started in a Bluefield University degree program today, please visit our admissions page today or email [email protected].

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