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Costs and Benefits of Attending a Christian University

Some things can’t be measure in monetary terms alone. That’s why as you think about where you want to attend college, you should look at the big picture. What kind of university will support your full self—academically, socially, spiritually—and still be affordable? If you’re thinking about a Christian university, you might be pleased to know that many of them consider affordability a part of their mission. After all, if you want to follow your passion, help others, and live a life of service, the cost to attain the knowledge and skills that will get you there shouldn’t stand in your way.

Cost to Attend a Christian University

  • Are Christian Colleges Less Expensive?: Christian colleges are private institutions which means that they’re likely to have higher tuition than large, publicly funded universities. But when you compare them to other private institutions, you’ll find Christian schools may be less expensive than their secular counterparts.
  • Financial Aid at Christian Universities: Christian schools are often dedicated to helping students cover the cost of tuition and many provide some level of financial aid to nearly all of their students. That means you might pay $1000s less than a school’s posted tuition. You may also be eligible for financial aid such as:
    • Grants
    • State-Funded Aid (Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant)
    • Scholarships
    • Loans
    • Work-Study
  • Faith-Based Tuition Programs for Christian Colleges: Whether it’s through your church at home or an organization you belong to that supports your faith, there are many scholarships that may be available to defray the cost of tuition. Be sure to conduct a thorough search before you enroll in a Christian college.

Benefits of Attending a Christian College

Whatever your faith, a Christian university can provide a nurturing environment to learn, discover, and serve.

  • Strong Values: Faith and education aren’t mutually exclusive. You can keep your Christian values while you question, learn, and explore a wide range of subjects and disciplines. Philosophy, arts, technology, and science can all be viewed through a faith-based lens.
  • Encouraging Community: College can be full of challenges to your better judgment. Despite your best plans to remain focused, there can be a host of factors that can derail your best-laid plans. At Christian schools, you’ll have a strong group of peers and instructors with like-minded values to help guide you. Enjoy the ease and convenience of religious services, prayer groups and more, right on campus.
  • A Place to Grow: You may have a strong sense of self and values, but college is still a time where you can further discover your true purpose and passions. At Christian universities, you’ll have faith and The Word guiding everything you do. That means multiple opportunities to better understand yourself and how you can build a fulfilling future that helps the world.
  • Diversity of Thought: A popular misconception is that Christian universities are all the same. Filled with the same types of people from the same backgrounds. Faith is generally a common thread that binds most attendees, but your peers will come from all walks of life, areas of the country, races, socioeconomic classes, and more. These diverse experiences, backgrounds, and viewpoints will help you to expand and grow.
  • Intimate Environment: Many Christian universities are smaller in size than public institutions. This means you’ll experience smaller class sizes, more one-on-one interaction with instructors, and a greater opportunity to become a part of the college community.
  • Service Promotion: Christian universities are more than educational institutions, they truly care about helping to nurture you and your commitment to a life of service to others.

The tuition cost at a Christian University is only one component of your full college choice decision. Make sure to explore all your options and consider what’s most important to you.


Bluefield University is a Christ-centered higher education learning community in the beautiful mountains of southwestern Virginia. We offer more than 70 different degree programs, both in-person and online learning, and a low student-to-faculty ratio. More than 90 percent of our incoming students also receive some kind of financial aid. Request info now to learn more.

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