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Is Getting a Music Degree a Good Idea for My Future?

Do you find great joy when you immerse yourself in music? Did you have that one band or choir teacher who made a huge impact on your life? Music is a part of all our lives, yet few consider it as a career path. Could it be right for you? Pursuing your passion could be the difference between a lifetime of fulfillment or a lifetime of wondering ‘what if?.’ If music is your calling, a music degree may be just what your future needs. And the good news is that there are lots of jobs in the music industry.

Pursue A Music Career You Will Love

Did you know that only 13% of US workers are passionate about their jobs? That means that almost nine out of ten people are working in jobs that don’t excite them or give them meaning. People who aren’t satisfied on the job also aren’t engaged. They don’t seek out challenges or contribute as well as people who love what they do.

When you’re passionate about your career, work feels completely different. It may not even feel like work at all. You’ll be able to blend what you care deeply about with what you get paid to do. When what you care deeply about is music, you’ll also pass along your passion to others. Whether you choose to play, compose, conduct, share, or teach, you and your abilities can have a positive impact on others.

What Would I Learn in a Music Degree Program?

A music degree program will teach you much about music history, music theory, musical expression, performance, ear training, and choral and instrument conducting. You might also choose a concentration such as voice, instrument, church music, or performance.

And while you learn the particulars of your major, a music degree program will teach you an appreciation of the arts and an abundance of job skills that can help you succeed in your career:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Discipline and responsibility
  • Organization
  • Self-esteem
  • Sociology of different cultures and their music

What Kind of Career Could I Enter with a Music Degree?

Careers that are directly related to a music degree include:

  • Musician
  • Performer
  • School music teacher
  • Private music teacher
  • Sound designer
  • Sound engineer
  • Sound technician
  • Composer
  • Producer
  • Arranger

Careers that are indirectly related to a music degree may include:

  • Event manager
  • Stage manager
  • Arts administrator
  • Broadcast engineer
  • Talent agent
  • Historian
  • Marketer

There are many options available to you if you hold a music degree. What you learn and how you grow during your studies can help you journey down many expected and unexpected paths.


At Bluefield University, you can pursue your passion for music with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. Our program lets you choose concentrations such as applied music for piano or voice, church music, music education or a general concentration. Music is also offered as a minor. Our campus has a wealth of practice spaces and you’ll also have ample opportunity to learn from dedicated faculty and perform with a variety of on-campus musical groups.

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