Bluefield Central: One-Stop Service for Students
We know students are as busy as faculty, staff, and administrators. That’s why we have a single location, Bluefield Central, where you can complete essential administrative transactions. You’ll find Financial Aid, the Bluefield Registrar, and Student Accounts together on the third floor of Lansdell Hall.
Our dedicated, supportive staff can answer questions, direct you to the right person, and provide encouragement. Our goal is to:
- Deliver superior customer service to students and their parents.
- Help students understand the importance of using technology.
- Assist with retention efforts by streamlining the financial aid, registration, and student billing processes.

Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office is the place to find answers to your questions about your financial aid options. We’re here to help you navigate the many ways to pay for college.

Registrar's Office
The Registrar’s Office handles the registration process, your records, and all grades and oversees graduation. This office plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity of all academic records.

Student Accounts
The Student Accounts Office manages all invoicing and payments for your education. You can check your balance, make a payment, and pick up a work-study check or refund payment.