Bluefield University is pleased to announce the hiring of Robbie Gaines as the new director of campus ministries. Given the new title, Gaines is no stranger to the Bluefield University campus. Gaines came to Bluefield in 2016 to serve as the campus pastor for Highlands Fellowship – Bluefield Campus. Highlands Fellowship – Bluefield services are held on campus in Harman Chapel.
Originally from Lewisburg, PA, Gaines completed his undergraduate degree in Public Policy and Community Service from Emory & Henry College in 2015. After graduation, he began pastoral ministry in Wise, VA as the campus pastor for Highlands Fellowship – Wise Campus. Since the 2017 season, Gaines has served as the Bluefield University Football Team Chaplain. “It gives me such joy to have the opportunity to serve and serve alongside the faculty, staff, students, and family at Bluefield University,” said Gaines. “There are great days ahead for this region and beyond because of the work that is happening at Bluefield University.” Gaines will oversee campus ministries, such as Bluefield Campus Ministries (BCM), and train student leaders to be active participants in spiritual formation. He will provide personal pastoral care to the student body and employees, work with the Director for the Worship Arts to organize weekly chapel services, and be the creative force behind the spiritual formation of the campus community. “When I look at my life, I am so thankful for the investment that many have poured into me,” said Gaines. “With that in mind, I cannot help but pay it forward by investing in this generation of young leaders. They are not just “the next” generation. I believe they are a generation that this world needs right now. Their creativity, God-given uniqueness, and their hand in reconciling people to one another and to God.” Gaines is a partner with a local pastor, Travis Lowe, in the Crea Company Makerspace in Bluefield, WV, which offers memberships for prototyping and crafting. Gaines and wife, Brittney, have a baby son, Silas. Gaines will begin his duties on August 1.