The Bluefield University Student Ministries (BUSM) team embarked on a Christ-centered journey to the Eagle Eyrie Conference Center on October 25-27. Members of the BUSM leadership team, Bible study leaders for the campus’ Roots small group initiative, and worship leaders from the university’s Home praise band attended the annual gathering of college ministry programs, hosted by the Kairos Initiative, an event they have participated in since 2019, apart from a pause during COVID-19 restrictions.
Kairos is a yearly fall gathering that brings together college ministry programs from across Virginia for a time of fellowship and spiritual growth. Students Will Austin, Abbie Bradley, Landon Breeden, Amelia Garrett, Caleb Honaker, Cameron Justis, Karyss Milby, Josephine Root, and Grace Trent were led by BUSM alumni Daniel Mullins, Isaiah and Abigail Rife, and Mason and Cameron West in connecting with other like-minded young adults and fostering a stronger Christian community within college circles.

Pastor West speaks at the Friday night session.
Bluefield University’s Campus Pastor, Mason West, spoke at the first session, sharing a message about being bold in Christ and setting a reflective tone for the weekend.
Throughout the weekend, students participated in four group messages, small-group sessions, and various events designed for fellowship and spiritual formation. In the small groups, BUSM members connected with students from Virginia Tech, Old Dominion University, Mary Washington, and other Virginia colleges, sharing perspectives and building friendships that went beyond the weekend.
The small groups offered attendees an opportunity to dive deeper into the themes of each main message. Guided by discussion questions, students explored topics in ways that allowed them to reflect and engage spiritually with their peers.
On the second day, Kairos hosted several workshops following the morning session and small groups. These workshops, led by leaders from the attending colleges, provided students with new perspectives and skills for approaching their faith. According to BUSM members, these breakout sessions were a highlight of the weekend, offering practical insights and fresh ideas.
Beyond the scheduled events, the BU Ministry team enjoyed moments of bonding. On Sunday, the BUSM team attended a service at Breakthrough Church in Lynchburg, where they were welcomed by a friend of Mason West’s. First-time attendee Amelia Garrett noted that visiting Breakthrough Church was a meaningful and life-changing experience. She and other members of the team are already planning a second trip back to the church.
In addition to Breakthrough Church, Garrett noted that worshipping alongside students from public colleges like Virginia Tech was a wonderful experience. “Seeing such a large group from VT was refreshing,” she said. “I always thought of VT as a spiritually dark place but meeting them changed that perspective.”

Becca Bennick speaks at the Saturday morning session of the Kairos Fall Gathering. Photo by Caleb Honaker.
Grace Trent, the worship and student leader for BUSM, attended Kairos for the first time last year. She shared that the experience made the Kairos weekend her favorite time of year. Her highlight this year was Saturday morning’s listening prayer, which she described as profoundly moving.
The weekend concluded as a refreshing and important bonding experience for BUSM, drawing the team closer to one another and to their mission of serving the Christian community at Bluefield University.