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Health Services

Health Services & Student Insurance

Health Services at Bluefield University provides students with relevant health care information, utilizing campus and community resources.


Health Services at Bluefield University is staffed by Student Development personnel. Free student services include health information, minor first-aid treatment, and seasonal flu vaccinations (at designated times) administered by county health provider(s).

Student Health Information Packets & Immunization Records

All currently enrolled Bluefield University students are required by the University and/or Virginia policy to provide health information to the Office of Student Development prior to their first semester of enrollment. There are two forms that must be submitted to Student Development:

  1. Student Health Information Packet
  2. Immunization Records signed by a licensed medical health professional

Failure to submit a completed Student Health Information Packet will result in an inability to move onto campus and attend classes. Student-athletes must complete all paperwork via the BlueOcean portal provided in the link below and send their signed immunization records to Erika Bell or Josh Shroyer. All other students (non-athletes and commuters) must complete the Student Health Information Packet and signed immunization records to the contact listed on the form no later than July 19th. Student-athletes must have their paperwork completed on BlueOcean by the following dates:

  • Football & Cheerleading: July 5th
  • Soccer, Women’s Volleyball, Cross Country, Golf, & Tennis: July 8th
  • Wrestling, Basketball, & Men’s Volleyball: July 15th
  • Track and Field, Baseball & Softball: July 19th


Insurance Information

Bluefield University is committed to ensuring students have access to affordable, quality, and comprehensive health insurance. At this time it is strongly suggested that all Bluefield University students maintain primary health insurance coverage during their time at Bluefield University. However, all student-athletes are required to maintain primary insurance coverage in order to participate in athletics at Bluefield University. Primary insurance coverage can be provided by the student, parent/guardian, or through the student health insurance options managed by Dissinger Reed. All students not participating in athletics are responsible for notifying the Department of Student Development of any coverage or policy changes during the school year. All student-athletes are responsible for notifying the Sports Medicine Department and the Department of Student Development of any coverage or policy changes during the school year. Delay in updating the Sports Medicine Department of insurance coverage changes may cause claims to be misfiled and may lead to expenses that will not be considered or covered by the university’s sports excess policy. If you do not maintain or have primary coverage during the unfortunate event of an injury, you may be liable for all medical expenses and will not be allowed to participate in athletics until primary coverage has been reinstated.  Bluefield University Sports Medicine verifies student-athlete primary insurance coverage regularly through Vivature.

Bluefield University has partnered with Dissinger Reed for more than 5 years, working with students and the staff of Bluefield University. Should you have any questions regarding insurance, please contact the Director of Sports Medicine, Erika Bell.

Seasonal Flu Information

When flu season is underway, it is important to be informed and aware of preventative measures, symptoms, and treatment options. Always cover your coughs and sneezes, and keep your hands washed to help prevent the spread of germs. Be reminded that typical flu-like symptoms include headache, chills, body aches, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, and a fever. In addition, if you do become sick with the flu, stay home to rest and prevent spreading the illness. If you remain fever-free while being off any fever-reducing medications for a 24-hour period, you may resume normal activity without fear of spreading the flu.

For more information, visit the websites for Centers for Disease Control and the Virginia Department of Health.

Flu Vaccines

Flu Clinics are held each semester and flu vaccines containing the H1N1 vaccine are provided for students, faculty/staff, and their families.

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