Be Transformed
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Wednesdays 10:30am – 11:30am
Get Involved
In a lyceum format, our chapel and convocation programs focus on the core values we share: inquiry, character, citizenship, and wellness. Each student is required to attend 10 chapel/worship services and five convocations.
Highlands Fellowship
You are invited to worship on Sundays with Highlands Fellowship, located on the Bluefield University campus in Harman Chapel.
Campus Pastor
Mason West
Pastor Mason West is a husband, father, Bluefield University Alum, and Campus Pastor (Director of Campus Ministries) of Bluefield University. Mason served all 4 years of his undergrad as the Team Leader of the BU Worship Arts as well as serving 2 years as the (BUSM) Student Ministry Leader. His passion is to let his generation know about the love of God the father and to help them find their identity in Christ. He works to develop a culture going further in devotion, community, and Christ while being a creative force in developing our spiritual formation opportunities for students. He believes that God has placed every student here for “such a time as this.” Mason has also served in helping with local church worship projects and initiatives. He is very active in the community and energetic about the development of campus ministry.